biggitty boggitty bottling!

These past two days have been hardcore! Seriously, hard on the core, and back and shoulders and feet! I bent over, lifted, carried and flipped over 700 cases of wine yesterday and today! My shoulders/neck area is stiff as a rock. Kudos to laborers who do physical work every single day. Yesterday we bottled our 2006 Cabernet Sauvignon and today we bottled the 2006 Star Garnet, some of Teds wine and another barrel of wine Mike helped make.

Yesterday after bottling from 8 – 4, I caught up on some emailing and paperwork, then Mike and I went to the Rec center where I’m participating in an ongoing rock climbing competition, ran a few miles and then headed home. Mike continued to fix our site that got hacked and woohoo, it’s working again! I wanted to have something yummy to eat for today’s bottling so I prepared a quiche.

This morning when we began bottling again, I threw the quiche in the oven. Turned out so good! During breaks I multitasked hand labeling up some Mountain Syringa (Gewurztraminer, Chard and Riesling blend) and also put together an order from, and also packed up 2 and a half cases of wines we entered into the National Women in Wine Competition in California. After bottling I UPS’d them all in Nampa and took advantage of Moxie Java’s happy hour…mmm… after that I went to Joann Fabrics and bought three bamboo bowls in which I’m going to make a light fixture out of for the little house on the vineyard…wish me luck. It’s clear in my head but I’m not sure if I can physically create what I’m envisioning. ah…I will sleep heavily tonight!